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Boost your immunity the natural way!

Posted on 24 June 2020
Boost your immunity the natural way!
Never has there been more need, or more interest in natural ways to defend us against viruses, since the COVID-19 pandemic. Nutritional medicine, such as Vitamin D, Zinc and Vitamin C have amongst the best evidence for bolstering our immune systems.

Zinc is a fantastic antiviral in its own right. It was used commonly in the past, prior to antibiotics, but in mainstream it is rarely used anymore.  It is not unusual to be deficient in zinc, even with a well rounded diet, as Australian soils are commonly in low supply. Zinc is rapidly used up in viral infections and when in low supply lead to recurrent or prolonged infections.

Vitamin D is a vitamin we make in our bodies from sun exposure. It is actually a pro-hormone rather than a vitamin. It is vital for immunity, brain development, and acts as a potent fat soluble anti-oxidant. Vitamin D deficiency increases the risk of COVID-19 infection, along with increasing the risk of more serious symptoms.

Vitamin C is also not officially a vitamin, it is chemical that is made in most mammals, but due to a "mutation" hundreds of thousands of years ago, humans, alongside guinea pigs, salmon and fruit bats no longer make it. It is a potent anti-oxidant and is anti-viral, anti bacterial and even antifungal. When the immune system is overwhelmed by infection, vitamin C is released from the white blood cells in massive amounts, it is used to support the white bloods cells and also assists in mopping up the inflammation caused as waste products of the immune defence.

Vitamin C in high doses can stop viral infections in their tracks.  Intravenous Vitamin C is a safe and effective treatment for overall wellbeing, liver detoxification support, immune support and inflammation. Speak with one of your Whole Medicine GP's about whether Vitamin C is something you would like to try.
Tags:VitaminsPreventative MedicineHealth and Well BeingFamily GPCOVID-19

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